The Mole Patrol



Why do I have to pay the setup fee if you don't catch any moles?

Our goal is to catch your moles as quickly as possible in an attempt to minimize any additional damage to your landscaping and accessories.  The setup fee is associated with that initial property assessment, installation of equipment, weekly activity assessments and equipment adjustments plus the ‘waived’ or  ‘zero-cost’ setup fees for 3 months warranty.  Note that the weekly property assessments for mole activity  and equipment adjustments continue until we’re sure there is no evidence of new mole activity indicating the mole is gone. Any lack of initial success is typically coupled with increased use of more complex and time consuming techniques in order to get rid of your moles. Add the fact that this fee is assessed, not upfront, but only after all services have been rendered.   So . . . all this and it will only cost you our setup fee . . . what a bargain.


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