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Do You Have Moles in Your Yard?

The Mole Patrol
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Are you struggling with moles ruining your yard?

Moles have been a well known pest of homeowners for years and there are some things that can help you identify moles and we are the people to help you get rid of them!

Mole Active Season 

Moles do dig the same way at any time of the year but tend to be more active during the spring, summer, and fall so if you’re seeing a lot of activity now you’re not alone! The good news is when moles are more active they use their runs more frequently and mean they are easier to catch.  

Signs of Mole Damage 

The good news is that moles do not spread any diseases to humans; but the bad news is that moles in the yard are very destructive. They dig tunnels in the ground that can uproot plants, grass, shrubs, and other landscaping. Mole digging also leaves behind mounds of dirt and can really create an unsightly looking lawn and landscape. Mole tunnels create tripping hazards for family members or service professionals walking around the yard. Mole tunnels also leave exposed dirt and as it rains causes erosion.

You can tell you have a mole if you are noticing dirt mounds or surface tunnels.

  • Dirt mounds: look like piles of dirt similar to a volcano
  • Surface tunnels: look like veins through your yard

Need Help Getting Rid of your Moles?

Unfortunately moles are almost impossible to prevent from tunneling in your yard BUT there are definitely ways to help get rid of them. You can never tell how many moles you have from the amount of mounds, it takes real professionals with the right equipment.

Since 1983 we’ve been researching the best ways and taking mole extermination to the highest level. For more information on getting rid of your moles call us at 425-744-0371 or contact us here!

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